Instagram Names: How to Choose the Perfect One for Your Account

Good now let’s discuss Instagram names.

Though it may seem little, believe me—this is one of those elements that may either make or break how people discover and interact with your account. Moreover, this is not rocket science, hence avoid obsessing about it. I have you taken care of.

Then, precisely what is an Instagram name?

Alright, let’s dissect it here. Though your handle (you know, the @username) is not the same as your Instagram name, which essentially shows up on your profile. Unlike your handle, your Instagram name need not be distinctive. You did really hear that right. Officially, a hundred people could use the same name, and Instagram wouldn’t blink at all.

The truth is however your Instagram name is searchable. Getting it right is therefore very crucial. Whether you run a themed page, a brand, a personal account, or a business, you want people to really find you when they search for anything pertinent. No, it should be optimal but it does not have to match your handle. Your friend in this is SEO.

Why Does Your Instagram Name Still Matter?

Consider it: your name is among the first things someone sees when they stumble across your profile. It seems like your digital handshake. People pick up your ideas right away if they are relevant and clear. Should it be unclear or confusing? You have most definitely already lost them.

For Nike, for instance, it is clear—you are a brand and everyone understands what you do. It’s great too, though, if you are simply Jane Doe using your actual name. People will realize that is your personal account. One must be clear-cut. Your name should provide others with a fast impression of your personality or work output.

Correct, Let us explore the possibilities.

Therefore, depending on the kind of account you are using, you have a few several methods to approach this. Let us dissect it:

1. Personal Accounts

If it is simply you sharing your life, your own name is the best one. Simple, neat, and not necessary to overanalyze it. Consider LeBron James. @KingJames is his handle; his Instagram identity is only “LeBron James.” Simple to recall, and he clearly identifies himself.

Hey, you could really roll with it also if you have a nickname or something others know about you. Just watch out that it can confuse others. Go ahead and use your name, Benjamin Wilson, even if everyone nicknames you “Benji Blue.” Simply maintain consistency.

2. Brands

For brands, this is obviously clear-cut. Using your brand name is important. Period; If you are Gucci, Gucci is your Instagram name. Here, there is no need for added flair or inventiveness; just keep it simple. That applies also to Burger King. If you run a regional account, however, you might wish to include a place descriptor such as “Burger King Deutschland,” for their German audience. Making it relevant for your followers is everything.

3. Themed Stories

Here is where you might relax somewhat. Make sure your name matches the concept of your account—such as cats or travel—should it be all that drives it. For a themed account on, you guessed it, cute cat photographs, “Cute Cat Photos” is a strong name. Follow you and you will clearly, searchable inform folks exactly what they will get.

Still another example is “Dogs of Instagram.” You are immediately aware of the kind of material to expect, and it is appealing enough to linger in your head. The same is true with specialized accounts like “Fruits with Faces,” (yes, that is a real thing). People click out of natural interest about the name.

4. Purpose-Driven Accounts

Use the particular goal or objective of your account to your benefit. An account emphasizing motivation, for example, may go under “Motivation/Entrepreneur.” It tells individuals exactly why they should follow you and is straightforward, direct. Monday Motivation is another instance. It is straightforward, unforgettable, and exactly in line with the goal of the account.

Including Descriptors: The Magic Sauce

Sometimes your name by itself is insufficient to adequately describe the nature of your account. Descriptors then help in this regard. Assume for the moment your brand name is “Turtle.” By itself, that tells nobody what you do. Do you have turtle merchandise for sale? managing a turtle refuge? Who know? But it makes perfect sense if you add a descriptor like “Turtle Accounting” or “Turtle Pizzeria.” issue resolved.

This applies also to location-based accounts. For instance, if you own a Miami-based educational company, you might choose “Turtle Education Miami.” It’s all about providing folks with background so they may have expectations.

Don’t Think Too Much About It

The best thing about this is your Instagram name is not set in stone. You can alter it anytime you so choose. If you felt like it, really you could alter it ten times a day (though, um, I wouldn’t advise). The lesson is not to worry. Choose something that will fit now; you may always improve it later.

Having said that, attempt to stick to your chosen name after you have decided on it. Just why? Because consistency improves search engine optimization. Constantly changing your name will make Instagram’s search engine unable to rank you, which would negatively affect your visibility.

Quick Review:

  • Personal accounts: based on a name or moniker people know.
  • Stay with your brand name; add a location if necessary.
  • Use a name that captures your concept (e.g., “Cute Cat Photos”).
  • Emphasize your goal or aim (e.g., “Monday Motivation”).
  • If your name by itself isn’t clear, provide further background.

Most importantly? Calm yourself about it. One component of the jigsaw is your Instagram name; you can easily change it as you go. So inhale deeply, choose a name that seems appropriate, and be ready to blast it on Instagram. You possessed this.